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Kampo medicine is a form of medicine focused on individual differences of patients, featuring “dobyoichi (different treatments for the same disease)” and “ibyodochi (the same treatment for different diseases)”

In Western medicine, physicians select the same treatment for most patients with the same disease. In Kampo medicine, however, physicians select the most appropriate treatment for each of patients by taking their different symptoms and constitutions into due consideration.

This concept is called “dobyoichi and ibyodochi”. “Dobyoichi” refers to such that patients, even if they suffer from the same disease, may be treated with different drugs, while “ibyodochi” refers to such that a single drug may be applied to treat different diseases.

For example, if a patient has a cold, the physician prescribes different drugs, depending on his/her physical strength and symptoms at the time of examination, such as “kakkonto (extract from the mixture of crude drugs of pueraria root, ephedra herb, jujube, cinnamon bark, peony root, glycyrrhiza and ginger),” “shoseiryuto (extract from the mixture of crude drugs of ephedra herb, peony root, processed ginder, glycyrrhiza, cinnamon bark, asiasarum root, schisandra fruit and pinellia tuber), or other formulations (dobyoichi). On the other hand, a Kampo formulation called “goreisan (extract from the mixture of crude drugs of alisma rhizome, polyporus sclerotium, poria sclerotium, atractylodes laucea rhizome, and cinnamon bark)” may be applied to treat both headache and watery diarrhea (ibyodochi).

Therefore, Kampo medicine is a system of medicine in which drugs are prescribed for patients upon close examination of their individual complaints and constitutions, not simply under the name of a disease diagnosed with so that the drugs help restore balance in their entire bodies.


  • Tsumura-Kampo Kakkonto[葛根湯] Extract Granules A

    Following symptoms in person with moderate or more physical strength:
    Initial stage of common cold (without spontaneous sweating), coryza, rhinitis, headache, shoulder stiffness,muscle pain, and pain in hands and shoulder.

  • Tsumura-Kampo Kakkontokasenkyushin’i [葛根湯加川芎辛夷] Extract Granules

    Following symptoms in person with moderate or more physical strength:
    Nasal stuffiness, sinus problem, and chronic rhinitis.

  • Tsumura-Kampo Otsujito[乙字湯] Extract Granules

    Following symptoms in persons with moderate or more physical strength performance who have hard stools and a tendency to constipation:
    Hemorrhoids, anal fissure, constipation, and mild anal prolapse.

  • Tsumura-Kampo Anchusanryo[安中散料] Extract Granules

    Following symptoms in persons with moderate or poor physical strength and abdominal listlessness who have gastric or abdominal pain and sometimes experience heartburn, belching, heavy stomach, loss of appetite, nausea or vomiting:
    Neurological gastritis, chronic gastritis, and gastrointestinal weakness.

  • Tsumura-Kampo Jumihaidokuto [十味敗毒湯] Extract Granules

    Following symptoms in persons with moderate physical strength who have skin disease with redness which is sometimes suppurating:
    Early stage of suppurative or acute skin disease, rash, eczema/dermatitis, and athlete’s foot.

  • Tsumura-Kampo Hachimijioganryo[八味地黄丸料] Extract Granules A

    Following symptoms in persons with moderate or poor physical strength who tend to get tired easily, tend to be sensitive to cold in hands and foots, have decreased or increased urine volume, and/or sometimes have dry mouth:
    Leg pain, lower back pain, numbness, blurred eye in elderly, itching, difficulty in urination, residual urine, nocturia, frequent urination, edema, associated symptoms of hypertension (stiff shoulder, heavy head, ear noise), and mild incontinence.

  • Tsumura-Kampo Daisaikoto[大柴胡湯] Extract Granules

    Following symptoms in persons with substantial physical strength who suffer from upper abdominal and flank pain and have a tendency to constipation:
    Gastritis, habitual constipation, stiff shoulder associated with
    hypertension or obesity, headache, constipation, neurosis, and obesity.

  • Tsumura-Kampo Shosaikoto[小柴胡湯] Extract Granules

    Following symptoms in persons with moderate physical strength
    who complaint pain and discomfort in the solar plexus and flank,
    and suffered from loss of appetite, bitter sensation in the mouth and
    furry white tongue:
    Loss of appetite, nausea, gastritis, gastric pain, gastrointestinal
    weakness, fatigue, and late stage of common cold.

  • Tsumura-Kampo Saikokeishito[柴胡桂枝湯] Extract Granules A

    Following symptoms in persons with moderate or slightly poor physical strength who suffer from abdominal pain mostly and sometimes experience slight fever, chill,headache and vomiting:
    Gastroenteritis, symptoms during medium and late stage of common cold.

  • Tsumura-Kampo Saikokaryukotsuboreito[柴胡加竜骨牡蛎湯] Extract Granules

    Following symptoms in persons with moderate or more physical strength who suffer from mental anxiety, palpitation, insomnia and constipation:
    Accessory symptoms of hypertension (palpitations,anxiety, insomnia), neurosis, menopausal neurosis, baby’s night crying, and constipation.

  • Tsumura-Kampo Hangeshashinto[半夏瀉心湯] Extract Granules

    Following symptoms in persons with moderate physical strength who have difficulty in swallowing at the solar plexus and a tendency to soft stools or diarrhea and sometimes experience nausea, vomiting, stomach growling and loss of appetite:
    Acute or chronic gastroenteritis, diarrhea/soft stools, dyspepsia, gastroptosis, neurological gastritis, stomach weakness, hangover, belching, heartburn, and stomatitis, neurosis.

  • Tsumura-Kampo Orengedokuto[黄連解毒湯] Extract Granules A

    Following symptoms in red-faced persons with moderate or more
    physical strength who get hot flashes easily and become irritated and
    restless easily:
    Nosebleed, insomnia, neurosis, gastritis, hangover, chi-no-michi-sho*,
    dizziness, palpitation, menopausal disorders, eczema/dermatitis,
    itching, and stomatitis.

    *Chi-no-michi-sho is a generic term of neuropsychiatric symptoms such as
    anxiety and irritation and physical symptoms due to fluctuation of female
    hormones caused by menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth or menopause.

  • Tsumura-Kampo Hangekobokuto[半夏厚朴湯] Extract Granules

    Following symptoms in person with moderate physical strength who feel depressed, experience feeling of a foreign body in the throat and esophagus, and sometimes experience palpitations, dizziness, nausea, etc:
    Choking feeling in the throat, nervous gastritis, anxiety, cough, hoarseness, and morning sickness.

  • Tsumura-Kampo Goreisanryo[五苓散料] Extract Granules

    Following symptoms in persons who complaint thirst and decreased urine volume accompanying any of dizziness, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, headache or edema. This medicine can be applied to everyone regardless of physical performance:
    Watery diarrhea, acute gastroenteritis (Do not use for shiburihara [tenesmus]*), heat stroke, headache, edema, and hangover.

    *Shiburihara [tenesmus] is the symptom consisting of feeling of unsatisfied
    defecation and repetitive defecation desire with abdominal pain.

  • Tsumura-Kampo Keishikajutsubuto[桂枝加朮附湯] Extract Granules

    Symptoms in persons with poor physical strength who suffer from sweating and chilling/stiffness in hands, legs and feet, and sometimes experience decreased urine volume:
    Joint pain, and neuralgic pain.

  • Tsumura-Kampo Shoseiryuto[小青竜湯] Extract Granules

    Following symptoms in persons with moderate or slightly poor physical strength who suffer from coughing with thin watery phlegm and runny nose:
    Bronchitis, bronchial asthma, rhinitis, allergic rhinitis, edema, common cold, and hay fever.

  • Tsumura-Kampo Boiogito[防已黄耆湯] Extract Granules

    Following symptoms in persons with moderate or poor physical strength who tend to get tired easily and tend to sweat easily:
    Swelling and pain of joints associated with obesity, edema, excessive perspirations, and obesity (flabby body with flabby muscles).

  • Tsumura-Kampo Shofusan[消風散] Extract Granules

    Following symptoms in persons with moderate or more physical strength who have itchy skin disease with severe exudation that sometimes accompanies local feverish feeling:
    Eczema/dermatitis, rash, athlete’s foot, and heat rash.

  • Tsumura-Kampo Tokisyakuyakusanryo[当帰芍薬散料] Extract Granules

    Following symptoms in persons with poor physical strength who tend to be sensitive to cold, tend to get tired easily, have an anemic tendency, and sometimes complaint lower abdominal pain, heavy head, dizziness, stiff shoulder, ear noise, and/or palpitation:
    Menstrual irregularity, menstrual disorders, menstrual pain, menopausal disorders, disorders before and after child birth or due to abortion (anemia, fatigue/malaise, dizziness, edema), dizziness, syncope, heavy head, stiff shoulder, lower back pain, over-sensitiveness to cold in the lower half of the body, chilblains, edema, spot of the skin, and ear noise.

  • Tsumura-Kampo Kamishoyosan [加味逍遙散] Extract Granules

    Following symptoms in persons with moderate or poor physical strength
    who get tired easily, suffered from flash feeling, shoulder stiffness and neuropsychiatric symptoms including anxiety and irritation, and sometimes experience a constipation tendency:
    Over-sensitiveness to cold, weak constitution, menstrual irregularity,
    dysmenorrhea, menopausal disorders, chi-no-michi-sho*, and insomnia.
    *Chi-no-michi-sho is a generic term of neuropsychiatric symptoms such as
    anxiety and irritation and physical symptoms due to fluctuation of female
    hormones caused by menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth or menopause.

  • Tsumura-Kampo Keishibukuryoganryo [桂枝茯苓丸料] Extract Granules A

    Following symptoms with adequate physical strength who sometimes complaint lower abdominal pain, stiff shoulder, heavy head, dizziness, hot flashes, and/or over-sensitiveness of feet to cold:
    Menstrual irregularity, menstrual disorders, menstrual pain, menopausal
    disorders, chi-no-michi-sho*, stiff shoulder, dizziness, heavy head, bruise
    (contusion), chilblains, spot of the skin, eczema/dermatitis, and acne.

    *Chi-no-michi-sho is a generic term of neuropsychiatric symptoms such as
    anxiety and irritation and physical symptoms due to fluctuation of female
    hormones caused by menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth or menopause.

  • Tsumura-Kampo Keishikaryukotsuboreito [桂枝加竜骨牡蛎湯] Extract Granules

    Following symptoms in nervous persons with moderate or poor physical strength who get tired easily and are easily excited:
    Nervousness, insomnia, baby’s night crying, nocturnal enuresis, eye strain, and neurosis.

  • Tsumura-Kampo Maoto[麻黄湯] Extract Granules

    Following symptoms in the initial stage of common cold in
    persons with substantial physical strength who have chilling
    with fever, headache and coughing, and suffered from pain in
    joints and muscles without sweating:
    Common cold, coryza, bronchitis, and stuffy nose.

  • Tsumura-Kampo Bakumondoto[麦門冬湯] Extract Granules

    Following symptoms in persons with moderate and poor physical strength who cannot clear up throat easily, and sometimes experience violent coughing or dryness of the throat:
    Dry cough, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, and pharyngitis, croak (hoarseness).

  • Tsumura-Kampo Ninjinto [人参湯] Extract Granules

    Following symptoms in persons with poor physical strength who get tired easily and are over-sensitive to cold of hands and feet:
    Gastrointestinal weakness, diarrhea, vomiting, gastric pain, abdominal pain, and acute/chronic gastritis.

  • Tsumura-Kampo Ryokeijutsukanto [苓桂朮甘湯] Extract Granules

    Following symptoms in persons with moderate or poor physical strength who have dizziness and light-headedness, and sometimes experience hot flashes and/or palpitation:
    Syncope, dizziness, headache, ear noise, palpitations, shortness of breath, neurosis, and mental irritability.

  • Tsumura-Kampo Choreito[猪苓湯] Extract Granules A

    Following symptoms in persons who have abnormality of urination, and sometimes experience thirst. This medicine can be applied to everyone regardless of physical performance:
    Urination difficulty, urination pain, feeling of residual urine, frequent urination, and edema.

  • Tsumura-Kampo Hochuekkito[補中益気湯] Extract Granules

    Following symptoms in persons with poor physical strength who are out of energy with decline of gastrointestinal function and tend to get tired easily:
    Weak constitution, fatigue/malaise, weakness after illness or operation, loss of appetite, night sweat, and common cold.

  • Tsumura-Kampo Rikkunshito [六君子湯] Extract Granules

    Following symptoms in persons with moderate or poor physical strength who complaint gastrointestinal weakness, loss of appetite, difficulty of swallowing at the solar plexus, easy fatigability, anemia, and over-sensitivity to cold of hands and feet:
    Gastritis, gastrointestinal weakness, gastric ptosis, dyspepsia, loss
    of appetite, gastric pain, and vomiting.

  • Tsumura-Kampo Keishito [桂枝湯] Extract Granules

    Following symptom in persons with poor physical strength who suffer from sweating:
    Initial stage of common cold.

  • Tsumura-Kampo Chotosan[釣藤散] Extract Granules

    Following symptoms in persons with moderate physical strength who suffer from chronically persistent conditions such as headache, dizziness and stiff shoulders:
    Chronic headache, neurosis, and tendency to hypertension.

  • Tsumura-Kampo Keigairengyoto [荊芥連翹湯] Extract Granules

    Following symptoms in persons with moderate or more physical strength who have dark skin, and sometimes suffer from oily sweating on palms/soles and abdominal wall strain:
    Empyema (sinusitis), chronic rhinitis, chronic tonsillitis, and acne.

  • Tsumura Kampo Junchoto [潤腸湯 ] Extract Granules

    Following symptom in persons with moderate or slightly weak physical strength who complain of occasional skin dryness:

  • Tsumura-Kampo Yokukansan [抑肝散] Extract Granules

    Following symptoms in person with moderate physical
    strength, nervousness, anger, irritability, etc.:
    Neurosis, insomnia, baby’s night crying, childhood over
    sensitivity, bruxism, menopausal disorder,
    *Chi-no-michi-syo is mental and physical symptoms
    including anxiety and irritation due to hormonal fluctuation
    in the female body such as menstruation, pregnancy,
    delivery, postpartum conditions or menopause.

  • Tsumura-Kampo Makyokansekito[麻杏甘石湯] Extract Granules

    Following symptoms in persons with moderate or more physical strength who have coughing, and sometimes experience thirsty:
    Coughing, childhood asthma, bronchial asthma, bronchitis,common cold, and hemorrhoid pain.

  • Tsumura-Kampo Unseiin [温清飲] Extract Granules

    Following symptoms in persons with moderate physical strength who have dry skin with unhealthy complexion and get hot flashes:
    Menstrual irregularity, dysmenorrhea, chi-no-michi-sho*, menopausal disorders, neurosis, and eczema/dermatitis.

    *Chi-no-michi-sho is a generic term of neuropsychiatric symptoms such as
    anxiety and irritation and physical symptoms due to fluctuation of female
    hormones caused by menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth or menopause.

  • Tsumura-Kampo Seijobofuto [清上防風湯] Extract Granules

    Following symptoms in red-faced persons with moderate or more physical strength who sometimes get hot flashes:
    Acne, eczema/dermatitis on the face and head, and red nose (rosacea).

  • Tsumura-Kampo Tokakujokito [桃核承気湯] Extract Granules

    Following symptoms in persons with moderate or more physical strength who have hot flashes and a tendency to constipation:
    Menstrual irregularity, dysmenorrhea, menstrual pain, anxiety during menstruation or after childbirth, lower back pain, constipation, accessory symptoms of hypertension (headache, dizziness, stiff shoulder) , hemorrhoid, and contusion.

  • Tsumura-Kampo Bofutsusyosan[防風通聖散] Extract Granules

    Following symptoms in persons with substantial physical strength who have enough abdominal subcutaneous fat and a tendency to constipation:
    Palpitations, stiff shoulder, hot flashes, edema and constipation associated with hypertension and obesity, empyema (sinusitis), eczema/dermatitis, Pimple (acne), and obesity.

  • Tsumura-Kampo Shakuyakukanzoto[芍薬甘草湯] Extract Granules

    Following symptoms in persons who have pain accompanying acute muscle spasms. This medicine can be applied to everyone regardless of physical performance:
    Cramp, muscle spasms, abdominal pain, and lower back pain.

  • Tsumura-Kampo Seihaito[清肺湯] Extract Granules

    Following symptoms in persons with moderate physical
    strength who complain of prolonged coughing, and stuck
    and excess excretion of phlegm:
    Coughing with excess phlegm or bronchitis

  • Tsumura-Kampo Shokenchuto [小建中湯] Extract Granules

    Following symptoms in persons with poor physical strength who look pale,
    get tired easily, suffered from abdominal pain and sometimes experience
    palpitations, burning sensation on hands and feet, over-sensitiveness to
    cold, night sweat, nasal bleeding, frequent urination, and polyuria:
    Childhood weak constitution, fatigue/malaise, chronic gastroenteritis,
    abdominal pain, nervousness, childhood enuresis, and baby’s night crying.

  • Tsumura-Kampo Daikenchuto[大建中湯]

    Following symptoms in persons with weak physical strength
    who complain of abdominal chills and pain:
    Lower abdominal pain or sense of abdominal distension.

  • Tsumura Kampo Ninjin’yoeito [人参養栄湯 ] Extract Granules

    Following symptoms in persons with weak physical strength:
    Decreased physical strength after illness or surgical operation, fatigue, anorexia, night sweat, cold extremities, and anemia.

  • Tsumura-Kampo Seishinrenshiin [清心子飲] Extract Granules

    Following symptoms in persons with moderate or weaker
    physical strength who have a weak stomach and complain of
    general malaise, dry mouth and difficulty to urinate:
    Feeling of incomplete urination, frequent urination,
    micturition pain, turbid urine, difficulty in urination,

  • Tsumura Kampo Mashininganryo [麻子仁丸 料 ] Extract Granules

    Following symptoms in persons with moderate or weaker physical strength whose stool is hard and clumpy:
    Constipation, and symptoms associated with constipation such as headache dull, hot flash, eczema, dermatitis, rash (acne), anorexia (decreased appetite), abdominal distension, abnormal intestinal fermentation or hemorrhoid.

  • Tsumura-Kampo Maobushisaishinto [麻黄附子細辛湯] Extract Granules

    Following symptoms in persons with weak physical strength
    who complain of cold extremities and occasional chill:
    Common cold, allergic rhinitis, bronchitis, bronchial asthma,
    and neuralgia.

  • Tsumura-Kampo Keishikashakuyakudaioto [桂枝加芍薬大黄湯] Extract Granules

    Following symptoms in persons with moderate or poor physical strength who suffer from abdominal bloating, abdominal pain and constipation:
    Constipation, and shiburihara [tenesmus]*
    *Shiburihara [tenesmus] is the symptom consisting of feeling of unsatisfied
    defecation and repetitive defecation desire with abdominal pain.

  • Tsumura-Kampo Kikyoto[桔梗湯] Extract Granules

    Following symptoms in persons who have swelling and
    pain of the throat, and sometimes experience coughing.
    This medicine can be applied to everyone regardless of
    physical performance:
    Tonsillitis and peritonsillitis.